dowel guide

But which dowel do I actually need?

There are different types of dowels, so it's easy to lose track - but no problem, we'll show you how to find the right dowel for your project. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us on +49 (0) 2154 8123-460 or here .

In order to find the right anchor for your project, it is first important to determine the mounting surface

The mounting surface has a significant impact on the choice of dowel system and should not be ignored.

How to find out what surface it is:

1. The knock test

If you hear a hollow/dull noise when you knock, then this is a lightweight wall and a cavity dowel is required.

However, if the knocking indicates a solid wall, a test drilling is advisable.

2. The test drilling

When determining solid anchoring base, a test drilling should be carried out so that the building material can be determined based on the drilling dust.

Properties of the anchoring substrates and the drilling dust


The strength of the substrate is hard and the drilling dust is light gray, fine in dust and free-flowing


Bricks are medium-strength and the drilling dust is red. If the drilling progress is jerky, these are hole bricks that should be drilled further without a hammer drill

sand-lime brick

The strength of sand-lime bricks is medium to hard and the drilling dust is white and has a sandy consistency
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aerated concrete

The aerated concrete has a soft consistency and contains white, coarse-grained and slightly greasy drilling dust

Gypsum plasterboard/gypsum fiber board

The plasterboard is characterized by its soft strength and its white drilling dust. The gypsum fiber board, on the other hand, is soft to medium strong and has gray drilling dust. Both panels are characterized by fine drilling dust that sticks to the drill.

ETICS insulation

ETICS insulation, whether made of Styrofoam, mineral wool or wood fiber, is characterized by a soft strength.
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After determining the mounting surface, we now come to the types of dowels.

Dowel systems can be roughly divided into three categories. These are differentiated from each other by their load values. A distinction is made between chemical dowels, metal dowels and plastic dowels.

Chemical dowels

Dowel systems can be roughly divided into three categories. These are differentiated from each other by their load values.

For which substrates are chemical anchors actually suitable?

Chemical anchors are suitable for anchoring in aerated concrete & sand-lime brick, reinforced concrete / reinforced concrete, granite & marble as well as in masonry & perforated brick. When fastening in perforated bricks, the corresponding perforated sleeve must be used.

Our composite mortars at a glance.


Also suitable for subsequent reinforcement connections (rebar).
For your DIY project
100 year service life
100-year service life + suitable for subsequent reinforcement connections (rebar).
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Application examples


*only with products with Rebar approval


* only with products with Rebar approvals





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Mechanical dowels

bolt anchor

Bolt anchors are suitable for immediately loadable anchoring of heavy loads in concrete. A simple push-through installation minimizes the time required considerably.

concrete screws

A wide range of applications as well as the simple product application are the main features of our concrete screws in addition to the high load capacities. In addition, the concrete screws can be dismantled without leaving any residue.

ceiling nails

Economical wedge anchor for multiple fastening

  • Push-through anchor made of galvanized steel
  • Suitable for cracked and non-cracked concrete
  • Fast and safe assembly
  • Small drill holes

Application examples for metal dowels

sun sail

* Outdoor applications only with bolt anchors made of stainless steel (A4)

storage racks

balcony railing

* Outdoor applications only with bolt anchors made of stainless steel (A4)

Suspended ceilings

cable trays

metal constructions

Introduce your brand
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Plastic dowels

A plastic anchor is sufficient for light loads. For quick and easy attachment to concrete, aerated concrete, masonry, wall panels, gypsum plasterboard, gypsum fiber boards

Holding values

Instructions for using plastic dowels

Application examples

curtain rods



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