Our guide

Our products have high standards of safety and quality. As a manufacturer and supplier, we therefore assume a great deal of responsibility, just as you assume responsibility towards your customers and projects or, as an ambitious DIY enthusiast, ensure the safety of your applications in your home and house.

With this cross-topic guide, we want to provide information about our products, offer support for installation and at the same time explain the essential safety aspects.

materials science

Our reaction mortars are based on four different chemical base variants. In addition, the reaction mortars are offered in specially developed or further developed cartridge types depending on their properties and components. The properties and advantages of these variants are described in detail below:
The classic reaction resin type for the production of 2-component injection mortar.
The basis for the most versatile fastening options and different surfaces.
This type of reaction resin is a further development of unsaturated polyester resins towards vinyl ester resins.

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AZ of the injection mortar


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